Pro-mill’s solid phase bioreactor is used to carry out biotech processes on solid substrate. The installation is mounted on a SKID frame and has all the necessary equipment for the process.
The solid phase reactor consists of a main vessel and a set of mixers designed for the specific application. The main reaction occurs on the solid material filling the tank. The solids are kept at an appropriate humidity level. The main tank is also thermostated to ensure the best possible process conditions. In order to start the growth of the microorganisms, nutrient solution and inoculum are dosed into the tank.
The whole installation consists of several parts:
The solid-phase bioreactor is equipped with the necessary control and measurement equipment and a control cabinet allowing for programming the process flow, viewing and archiving of current process values and even communication with an external SCADA system. This type of installation can be integrated with the existing technological line or used as an increase in the scale of the existing process.
Bioreactors manufactured by Pro-mill can be designed to meet individual customer needs.
Functions of solid phase bioreactors:
Pro-mill’s liquid phase bioreactor is a compact system built on a SKID frame designed to carry out biotechnology processes on liquid substrates on a scale from laboratory to industrial.
A homogenizer-type mixer is used to carry out the homogenization process consisting of combining two unmixed components into a stable, homogeneous mixture.
The selection of an appropriate mixing system depends on the properties of the substance and the process conditions under which the device is to operate.
The CIP (Clean In Place) washing station is used to clean equipment, production lines and industrial pipelines in closed circuit.
There are five types of these devices – convection, membrane, radiant, dielectric and microwave and special. One of the types of convection dryers is spray dryer and fluidized bed dryer produced by our company.
Pro-mill’s solid phase bioreactor is used to carry out biotech processes on solid substrate. The installation is mounted on a SKID frame and has all the necessary equipment for the process.
Chemical reactors are devices used to carry out a given process with respect to relevant process parameters, e.g. temperature, pressure.
Mixers for solid products are widely used e.g. in food, cosmetic and agricultural industries.
Specialist installations, which are created with a specific client application in mind. Each of them is different and responds to an existing industrial problem. There are also pilot installations within the scope of these installations.
Disk filters are a new, innovative filtration method, based on the use of ceramic discs with an accuracy of 2um to even 5nm.